
As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, it’s easy to get caught up in the carefree spirit of summer. However, for busy attorneys, this time of year also brings the looming deadline of tax season. While filing taxes may not be the most exciting item on your to-do list, getting a head start on your preparation can save you a significant amount of time, stress, and potentially money.

In this blog post, we’ll walk through a sizzling summer tax prep checklist tailored specifically for attorneys. By taking a proactive approach now, you can ensure a smooth and efficient tax filing process – leaving you more time to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather.


Gathering Important Documents

The first step in your summer tax prep is to start gathering all the necessary documents and paperwork. This includes:

  • W-2s, 1099s, and other income statements from your law firm or any other sources of income
  • Records of business expenses, such as mileage logs, office supplies, and legal fees
  • Mortgage interest statements, property tax bills, and documentation for any other deductible expenses
  • Receipts for charitable donations made throughout the year
  • Records of any estimated tax payments you’ve made

Having all of these documents organized and readily available will make the filing process much smoother and less stressful when it’s time to sit down with your accountant.


Maximizing Deductions

As an attorney, you’re likely eligible for a wide range of deductions that can help lower your overall tax burden. Some key deductions to be aware of and keep track of include:

  • Business expenses related to your law practice, such as continuing education, professional development, and client entertainment
  • Home office deductions if you use a portion of your home exclusively for your law practice
  • Mileage and vehicle expenses for business-related travel
  • Contributions to retirement accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs
  • Health insurance premiums and other medical expenses
  • State and local tax payments

By being mindful of these deductions throughout the year, you can ensure you’re taking full advantage of the tax benefits available to you as an attorney.


Estimated Tax Payments

If you’re self-employed or earn a significant portion of your income from sources other than a traditional employer, you may be required to make quarterly estimated tax payments. These payments help ensure you’re staying current on your tax obligations and avoid any penalties or interest charges.

During the summer months, take some time to review your year-to-date income and expenses. This will allow you to accurately calculate your estimated tax payments for the third and fourth quarters of the year. By staying on top of these payments, you can avoid a major tax bill come next April.


Preparing for Next Year

While your focus may be on the current tax year, it’s also a good idea to start thinking about and preparing for the next one. Some steps you can take this summer include:

  • Reviewing your tax return from the previous year to identify any areas for improvement or optimization
  • Evaluating your current tax withholding or estimated payments to ensure you’re not over- or under-paying throughout the year
  • Considering any life changes or major events that may impact your tax situation, such as a move, a new job, or the purchase of a home
  • Exploring strategies for reducing your tax liability, such as contributing to a retirement account or taking advantage of tax credits and deductions

By taking a proactive approach now, you can set yourself up for an even smoother and more successful tax season next year.



Tax season may not be the most exciting time of year, but by getting a head start on your summer tax prep, you can save yourself a significant amount of time, stress, and potentially money. Use this checklist to ensure you have all the necessary documents organized, maximize your available deductions, stay on top of estimated payments, and prepare for the next tax year.

Remember, your accountant is your greatest ally in navigating the complexities of tax planning and preparation. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance along the way. With a little bit of preparation and the right support, you can enjoy the summer sun while feeling confident and organized when it comes to your taxes.

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